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Children with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (S.E.N.D)

The S.E.N.D team

S.E.N.D coordinator (SEND Co): Mrs S. Farrell (EYFS,KS1) Mrs Gravina-Santer (KS2)

At Madginford, we cater for lots of different needs, and we feel it is very important that every child is able to access the curriculum and to feel included. Whether this be an adapted curriculum or through adult support, all children should feel that they can achieve!

Mrs Farrell and Mrs Gravina-Santer liaise with teaching and support staff to ensure that the needs of children are well catered for. They will check if interventions are effective and purposeful, liaise with specialist teachers for advice as well as make referrals to outside agencies where necessary. They work alongside support staff to advise them and provide training to ensure they are confident in implementing strategies and interventions. 

The S.E.N.D team take well-being into consideration when supporting children. We feel that if children are happy and settled in school, they are willing and ready to learn to the best of their ability!

The Hub

We are very proud of our school "Hub". The engaging room provides a calm, welcoming environment that allows children to take regular breaks, which allows them to settle down, focus and be ready to learn when they are in the classroom.

In the morning, the Hub is open for some children to welcome them and help them settle into the school day. To ensure this provision remains effective, there are a limited number of places available. If you feel that this is something that would benefit your child, please contact their class teacher via class dojo to find out more.

Getting in Touch

If you have a concern about your child, at first please contact their class teacher.

Mrs Farrell (EYFS,KS1)and Mrs Gravina-Santer (KS2) will then liaise with the class teacher to identify needs, discuss ways to move forward as well as suggesting strategies for the teacher to implement. 

If further support is needed, Mrs Farrell (EYFS,KS1) and Mrs Gravina-Santer (KS2) will work alongside parents to decide the next steps necessary to support their child.

Email addresses (Mrs Farrell EYFS,KS1) (Mrs Gravina-Santer KS2) (Main School Office)