Homework is set across the school so that children can practise and secure key learning.
Homework is set on Friday to be completed by the following Wednesday. If your child struggles with the work set or is not able to complete the work for whatever reason, please contact their teacher via Class Dojo.
See the Homework Websites page for links to both the 'Times Tables Rock Stars' and 'Accelerated Reader' websites.
EYFS use TAPESTRY as a learning platform - much of their homework will be practical in nature and can be uploaded to the platform to share with class teachers.
Red words - Each week children will be learning a red word during the school day. This is a tricky word which cannot be 'sounded out'. A copy of the word will be sent home along with some suggestions to support the children with both reading and writing the red word. Please take a photo of the children completing any of these activities and upload to Tapestry under the title ‘Red words’.
Maths – Each week, practical, play based maths learning will be sent home to consolidate the learning children have been doing in their maths sessions. Please upload the learning that your child completes to Tapestry under the title ‘Maths Home Learning’.
What is Tapestry?
Tapestry is an easy-to-use and secure online learning journal that builds a record of a child’s experiences, development and learning journey through EYFS. Using photos, videos and diary entries, parents and teachers can create a record of learning that shows how children are growing and developing. All information held on the platform is stored securely, and can be downloaded and shared as required. Communication between staff and parents helps to build a shared understanding of each child’s progress over time.Accordion content
Year 1
Each week your child will receive:
- Maths homework that has been linked to the learning for the week.
- Spellings linked to the Y1 high frequency words will be sent home which will be tested weekly.
Children should also read regularly to an adult at home.
Reading books
During the course of the week, children will bring home the following books.
1. A sharing book on a Friday to be read together with your child/children.
2. A book linked to the phonics learning we have been doing at school which will come home on a Tuesday (brought back into school on Thursday) and Friday (brought back into school on a Monday).
Please record in reading records when your child has read at home.
Year 2
Homework will be set on a Friday to be returned on Wednesday where it will be looked at as a class in order to address any misconceptions and celebrate successes.
Homework will consist be a Maths or English Task that links to the children’s recent learning. Spellings will also be sent home to learn ready for a weekly test every Friday.
Reading books
Reading books are changed twice a week on Wednesday and Friday These will be either from the Read, Write Inc. program, linked to each individual child’s level of learning in phonics, or will be a book from the ‘Accelerated Reader’ program matched to your child’s reading level.
Please continue to read regularly with your child, asking questions to check their understanding of the text.
Year 3 and 4
Homework will be set on a Friday and will need to be returned on the following Friday as it will be looked at as a class in order to address any misconceptions and celebrate successes. We will alternate each week between a Maths task and an English task.
Spellings will be set weekly and will be linked with the new spelling scheme 'Sounds and Syllables'.
There is an expectation that children read and complete 'Times Table Rock Stars' at least five times a week.
Year 5 and 6
Homework will be set on a Friday and will need to be returned on Wednesday as it will be looked at as a class in order to address any misconceptions and celebrate successes. Both Maths and English will be set weekly.
Spellings will be set weekly and will be linked with our spelling scheme ‘Sounds and Syllables’.
There is an expectation that children read and complete 'Times Table Rock Stars' at least five times a week. Pupils are to record their reading at home in their Reading Record Books.