Our curriculum
At Madginford Primary School, our R.E curriculum is intended to offer a broad & rich range of opportunities that allow children a variety of ways to explore & understand religions as well as the wider community in which we live.
Through each unit, children will explore & develop their understanding relating to different religions & world views. They will be encouraged to identify, investigate & consider a variety of questions that could impact on their lives & those of others. At Madginford, children are taught to understand, respect & value the religions, beliefs & cultures of all people.
How we deliver our curriculum
At MPS, we use the agreed Kent R.E syllabus to ensure a broad & balanced curriculum. In EYFS, children begin their RE journey by developing an understanding of what is ‘special’ in their world. As children move through KS1, they begin to describe & recognise the main beliefs & festivals associated with religions. During their time in KS2, children expand & deepen their knowledge of world religions & beliefs, comparing & making links between the different religions studied. At all stages of their journey, children reflect on what they’ve learnt, developing respect & tolerance for the beliefs of others and understand the importance of these attributes in their day-to-day life.
The impact of our curriculum
By the end of their time at MPS, we aim for children to have a better understanding of the world religions they have studied during their time at school. We want children to understand & be able to work alongside each other, valuing the ideas & beliefs of those who make up their community. We want children to understand & develop the personal attributes of respect, tolerance and empathy that will enable them to become responsible, well-rounded members of the community.