Our Curriculum Big Picture
Curriculum Intent
We have designed a curriculum that enables children to be challenged, to be curious and to make connections across all areas of learning so that learning is deep and secure.
We want our children…
- To be curious, asking questions and delving deeper
- Challenge themselves, persevering and taking pride in their learning
- Make connections using learning from different subjects and topics to embed and apply their knowledge and understanding
Our ABC of curriculum design:
Our bespoke curriculum has been designed to ensure children have plenty of opportunities to develop the specific subject knowledge they need to build, consolidate and extend their learning as well as the powerful personal knowledge that gives them the dispositions, attitudes and habits they need to navigate their way through life.
Broad and Deep
Our curriculum is planned in such a way that content broadens and deepens learning but is not too wide or too shallow.
Carefully Considered
Our curriculum is carefully designed to ensure that learning is connected and sequenced exceptionally well between subjects.
Careful timetabling and revisiting of knowledge, skills and concepts ensures that learning is embedded and opportunities to secure understanding are maximised.
Our curriculum intent is to:
- To achieve our vision of children who are curious, challenged and who make connections across all areas of learning.
- To create & deliver an engaging curriculum, carefully planned to develop the knowledge, skills & understanding children need to be successful and challenged in their learning.
- To develop character education to develop children who are active, responsible & caring members of our school & the wider community.
- To provide opportunities & experiences beyond those found in the classroom that create curiosity, wonder & enjoyment in the world around us.
Implementing the curriculum
How do we deliver our curriculum intent? What are the steps and strategies we follow every day to achieve our vision?
- Consistent use of our teaching and learning pedagogy allows teachers to ensure all children, whatever their ability, make good progress from their starting points.
Aim High
Know what needs to stick?
Getting Started – decide resources & approaches
Make Connections
Carefully Planned Practice
Independent Learning
Questions & Feedback
Review & Adapt
- Big questions for learning focus thinking and structure learning. Planned questions break learning into manageable steps, providing opportunities to check progress towards long-term learning.
- The progression of each discrete curriculum subject is carefully planned to build on prior learning, allowing children to revisit and consolidate key knowledge & skills.
- Teachers know what knowledge is important; regular opportunities are planned to revise & revisit learning to make sure knowledge ‘sticks’ in their long-term memory.
- Children will explore & learn about different communities, faiths & beliefs that contribute to the rich & varied culture in which we live. School visits, planned experience days, visitors, sporting opportunities, forest school, trips to the theatre & other extracurricular opportunities give children the opportunity to appreciate & engage in the wider community in which we live.
The Impact of the Curriculum
What is the impact of our curriculum? How can we evaluate & evidence standards of teaching & learning?
We want our children…
- To be curious, asking questions and delving deeper
- Challenge themselves, persevering and taking pride in their learning
- Make connections using learning from different subjects and topics to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding
We want our children:
- To draw on our school values to demonstrate positive learning behaviours
- To produce high-quality outcomes that demonstrate knowledge, skills and understanding
- To demonstrate exemplary conduct
- To enjoy healthy & active lifestyles
- To have high levels of attendance and punctuality
As a school, we will…
- Undertake a thorough self-evaluation to monitor & evaluate the impact of our curriculum
- Engage with high-quality and bespoke professional development opportunities
- Deliver ambitious and focused school improvement