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Information about the clubs that are running this term can be found below.



Drama Club

A drama club runs on a Wednesday in the key stage 1 hall from 3.15pm - 4.45pm for children in Y3-6 (KS2).

Children can be collected from the Egremont Road (main entrance) gate (children attending after-school club will be escorted to the KS2 hall by a member of staff).

The club is run by an outside provider and places will need to be booked directly.

East Sutton Community Youth Theatre

Mr Dyer-Ball

01622 844321

07885 790781

Sunflower Drama Academy

The Sunflower Drama Academy runs two sessions each week in the KS1 hall from 3.15pm - 4.30pm.

Monday: KS2 (Y3 - Y6)

Tuesday: EYFS/ KS1 (Y1 - Y2)

Children can be collected from the Egremont Road (main entrance) gate (children attending after-school club will be escorted to the KS2 hall by a member of staff).

The club is run by an outside provider and places will need to be booked directly

Fizzpop Science Club

The popular Fizzpop Science Club for K.S.1 will run on Mondays 3.20 - 4.20

The club will begin on the 6th November and finish on the 4th December.

The K.S.2 Fizzpop Science Club will run on Tuesdays 3.20 - 4.20

The club will being on the 7th November and finish on the 5th December.

For more information, please go to the Fizzpop website